Freshman Has No Idea What To Do With Life After Finishing Finals and Being Released From Bobst

Although freshman Sam Brooks couldn’t stop thinking about being done with finals and finally “getting out” all week while studying, he was met with an unpleasant reality upon finishing his final paper for Intro to Anthropology at 6 AM yesterday morning.


“What do I do now?”, he said. “I was somebody in Bobst.  I had a saved study spot. It wasn’t much, but it was mine. Now I have to move out of Rubin. Who am I now?”


Brooks was seen wandering around Washington Square Park listlessly, trying to use Dining Dollars at Starbucks but being told repeatedly that he was out. “I’m worried about him”, said Sam’s former roommate, Andrew Dufresne. “He’s not adjusting well to life out here”.


Sam’s story is all too uncommon, and unfortunately, it does not have a happy ending. Sam was recently found in his Rubin dorm room, having taken his own life. He carved “Brooks was here” into his cheap plywood dorm desk, and left this note:

“I don’t like it here. I’m tired of being afraid all the time. I’ve decided not to stay. I doubt they’ll kick up any fuss. Not for an old student like me.”