Tisch Sophomore Prefers “Netflix and Cry”

Amidst the rising popularity of the phrase “Netflix and Chill” as a euphemism for hooking up, Janice Owens, Dramatic Writing ’18 favors an alternative method of passing the time. “My idea of a good date is sitting alone in my bed sobbing as I watch old episodes of Friday Night Lights” she explained. “It covers up the sound of my sorrowful moans so my roommates don’t hear. I can cry whenever I want without getting caught.”

After pausing for a moment to finish eating a Rice Krispie Treat, Janice continued. “One time I was just so miserable that I didn’t care who heard, and got right into bawling all over my room. On my bed, against the wall—I just figured no one was home. When I opened my door again, both my roommates were on the couch outside and had heard everything! Putting on Netflix makes sure that won’t happen.”