Whistleblower exposes NYU’s Gallatin School As Fake College

“Honestly, I’m just surprised I’m the one who had to do this,” comments Lars Formil, an NYU administrative assistant who just last week unearthed the massive scandal of the Gallatin School of Individualized Study actually not being a real college at all. “I mean, yesterday I heard a kid say he’s majoring in comedy. How am I the first one to find that a little weird?”

Other NYU officials have been questioned on the matter, such as Kathy Kelmerson who commented, “These claims are absolutely preposterous. If someone wants to major in Fashion with a minor in Fun, who’s to say they can’t?” When questioned, John Sexton replied “Gallatin? The fuck is a Gallatin?”

In response to the public backlash suffered, NYU has officially changed the name from Gallatin School of Individualized Study to Gallatin Totally Real School of Very Legitimate College.