Gallatin Announces New Course: “Hoop and Stick: Identifying Gender Through Puritanical Play Constructions”, Quickly Cancels It Due to Implying People Can Only Be Hoops Or Sticks

The Gallatin School of Individualized Study faced criticism today after announcing their new course offering “Hoop and Stick: Identifying Gender Through Puritanical Play Constructions”, with critics saying that it unfairly put people into a false binary. “Somedays I’m a hoop, some days I’m a stick, some days I’m a ball. I’m so tired of straight white men forcing us into boxes,” said sophomore Andy Kingman while putting the finishing touches on his scathing thinkpiece. To rectify the situation, Gallatin Dean Susan Wofford will be performing public self-flagellation as penance in the Gallatin lounge from 6-7:30 PM. Students are encouraged to come and hiss “Sinner!” at her during the process, or ask questions about sensitivity in academia.